Sacred Inspirations Card Deck – Limited Edition

Sacred Inspirations Card Deck – Limited Edition


Sacred Inspirations is a 44-card deck with a 102-page booklet to enhance your daily spiritual life.

12 in stock

Welcome to the world of Sacred Inspirations, the incredible Council of Love card deck designed to infuse your being with divine energies, illuminating your path in both practical and esoteric ways.

This 44-card deck has been specifically chosen by the Council of Love to provide you with clarity, guidance, and answers from the Divine Mother and Father, the Archangels, and the Ascended Masters. With the help of the accompanying 102-page guidebook, you will receive practical applications for each card to deepen your understanding of the guidance.

Each card carries a unique energy and message that will open your heart and ignite your being. As you use these cards, you will feel the radiating energy of love and light, blessing you with the wisdom and insights you are seeking. Your task is simply to open your heart and receive.

In the midst of the Divine Mother’s New Normal, we all seek answers and direct hands-on guidance. Sacred Inspirations provides an accessible and loving way to receive the guidance and inspiration you need every single day.

As the creator of this deck, I am overjoyed to share with you the power and essence of love that radiates from each card. This is a gift from above, a personal invitation to open your heart, ask your questions, and receive the guidance of the Council of Love.

May these cards bless your journey with the guidance and illumination you seek.

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