Anchoring the Cities of Light

Anchoring the Cities of Light


Welcome to the next step in our journey to build Nova Earth. The third in the series of Cities of Light meditations, designed to take you to the heart of Galazia City of Light, where your sacred diamond Zonar awaits you.

In this meditation, you will once again join hands with your lightworker family to continue the important mission of anchoring the Cities of Light in the physical realm. You will feel the power of your intention as you connect with the reflecting pond, a symbol of the infinite potential that lies within you.

With Linda Dillon's gentle guidance, you will deepen your connection to the Galazia City of Light, and be reminded of your unique role in building Nova Earth. As you work with your sacred diamond Zonar, you will feel a deep sense of purpose and belonging, knowing that you are part of something much greater than yourself.

Take this opportunity to join with your lightworker family and build the foundation of the new world. The Cities of Light are waiting for you, and together we can make them a reality on this earth.